New Content: First Impressions!

Hi, everyone; Marie here with a new review and new content for the YT channel.

Occasionally, I will try new things but I hardly see anyone post reviews or first impressions on the things I try. I will give a grade based on product claim and ease of use.

That said, here's my First Impression on the Tonic Easy Clean Mat (Warning: Glitter gets EVERYWHERE, I need stock in Swiffer cloths, and the mat does a good job.).

Ease of Use: A-. It does stick to the surface of the table and it's hard to reposition once it's "stuck". You can lift it up and reposition without issue.

Product Claim: B. While it is easy to clean using a microfiber or Swiffer cloth, you can't dump contents back into container by lifting mat up and funneling Messy Stuff into container. Just. Won't. Happen.

Overall: B+. As long as you position the mat next to the table's edge, it would be easy to wipe Messy Stuff into its original container. Would keep using.

Until next time...



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